About Us
For over 100 years, our family of esteemed purveyors have been blending age-old traditions, creating fresh food concepts and crafting spirits that are anchored by our love of mystery, magic and romance. We are founded on the belief that our calling is to blow the dust of daily living off the souls of our guests.
My great, great, great Grandpa was a “Master Maker” of famous Colby Cheese in Wisconsin. My great, great Grandpa, German Firnstahl, started the legendary Sunny Jim Peanut Butter Company which my Grandpa, JP, ran for 35 years. My dad, Tim Firnstahl, opened over a dozen restaurants; most notably, Jake O’Shaunessey’s which was made famous by the Guinness World Book of Records for having the world’s largest selection of fine spirits. Now, it is my turn to proudly carry forward the tradition of our lineage with Northwest Spirits Von’s Gustobistro.